#import typedef void (^DownloadCompleteCallback)(NSNumber*, NSNumber*); typedef void (^ErrorCallback)(NSError*); typedef void (^BeginCallback)(NSNumber*, NSNumber*, NSDictionary*); typedef void (^ProgressCallback)(NSNumber*, NSNumber*); typedef void (^ResumableCallback)(void); @interface RNFSDownloadParams : NSObject @property (copy) NSString* fromUrl; @property (copy) NSString* toFile; @property (copy) NSDictionary* headers; @property (copy) DownloadCompleteCallback completeCallback; // Download has finished (data written) @property (copy) ErrorCallback errorCallback; // Something went wrong @property (copy) BeginCallback beginCallback; // Download has started (headers received) @property (copy) ProgressCallback progressCallback; // Download is progressing @property (copy) ResumableCallback resumableCallback; // Download has stopped but is resumable @property bool background; // Whether to continue download when app is in background @property bool discretionary; // Whether the file may be downloaded at the OS's discretion (iOS only) @property bool cacheable; // Whether the file may be stored in the shared NSURLCache (iOS only) @property (copy) NSNumber* progressInterval; @property (copy) NSNumber* progressDivider; @property (copy) NSNumber* readTimeout; // How long (in milliseconds) a task should wait for additional data to arrive before giving up @property (copy) NSNumber* backgroundTimeout; // How long (in milliseconds) to wait for an entire resource to transfer before giving up @end @interface RNFSDownloader : NSObject - (NSString *)downloadFile:(RNFSDownloadParams*)params; - (void)stopDownload; - (void)resumeDownload; - (BOOL)isResumable; @end